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Of course, anyone pointing out these things must be labeled a Qanon, conspiracy theorists! Frankly, they need a new playbook; we know the play before the ball is snapped!

False Claims of U.S. Biowarfare Labs in Ukraine Grip QAnon https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/03/02/ukraine-biolabs-conspiracy-theory-qanon/

"Pro-Russian channels and QAnon conspiracy theorists think Moscow is launching airstrikes on Ukraine to destroy bioweapon-manufacturing labs in order to prevent the American infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci from creating a sequel to the COVID-19 virus."

"Newland: “There is no doubt in my mind Senator and it is classic Russian, ah technique, to blame on the other guy what they’re planning to do themselves.”

Yep, a double projection with a half twist. Stuck the landing right on her A**!

Allow me to expand on their complicity, their hypocrisy, if I may;

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Repeatedly Promised to ‘Take Responsibility Instead of Blaming Others’ https://www.cnsnews.com/index.php/blog/craig-bannister/flashback-joe-biden-repeatedly-promised-take-responsibility-instead-blaming

Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call


FoiaFan @15poundstogo

FoiaFan @15poundstogo

It looks like Winer began openly sharing Steele’s Ukraine reports a few months after its gov’t was overthrown in 2014. Wondering what happened behind the scenes before that. Unfortunately …https://justthenews.com/accountability/russia-and-ukraine-scandals/monammysterious-destruction-evidence-related-steeles

Yes, that "Steele" abovis is the same "Russia, Russia, Russia" Steele.

EXCLUSIVE: Deleted Web Pages Show Obama Led an Effort To Build a Ukraine-Based BioLab Handling' Especially Dangerous Pathogens.

Recovered by The National Pulse, the article raises serious questions about U.S. government activity in Ukraine, stretching back almost two decades.


Here are the Documents the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine Scrubbed on 'Biological Threat Reduction' Labs


U.S. Embassy In Kyiv Ordered To Destroy Networking Systems Amid Russia-Ukraine Crisis


Let's close with an inspirational talk from our leader;

Biden: "How did we get to the place where, you know, Putin decides he’s gonna just invade Russia?" https://notthebee.com/article/biden-how-did-we-get-to-the-place-where-you-know-putin-decides-hes-gonna-just-invade-russia/

God help us all!

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