Can you feel it?
It’s becoming more and more clear every day that people who really believe in what’s good and what’s right are no longer standing down to the shrill harpies who used to shout us down into silence. See, that kind of energy always burns out. You simply can’t sustain shriek mode forever.
It’s no longer working because more and more people are realizing that the useful idiots who are doing all the screaming are people who are either incredibly gullible, paid operatives like Antifa (both the very definition of what useful idiots actually are) or those who are literally insane.
Tony Heller just posted this great video on Rumble that talks about these types called Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity
"This much is certain: Stupidity is in essence not an intellectual defect, but a moral one. There are human beings who are remarkably agile intellectually, yet stupid. And others who are intellectually dull , yet anything but stupid "
What they’re now facing is a slowly building pushback that has been developing more and more momentum over decades that is now ramping up to become an unstoppable force.
And when this movement finally gets to full throttle the banshees are going to get mowed over like we’ve never seen.
Most people (the so-called “normies” and again, that’s not an insult by any means) have had enough of being marginalized and pigeon-holed as racists, homo/trans/and whatever else phobics, misogynists, haters, white supremacists, and every other lie that’s been ginned up to further divide Americans.
The majority of Americans truly don’t care what you do, how you live, what you believe or don’t believe as long as you aren’t hurting them or anyone else.
And the tone of pigment in your skin simply doesn’t matter to people who just want to live their lives.
Most of us simply don’t care to be confrontational about whatever your situation is.
But if you decide to get in everyone’s face about what you do in your life you will get pushback as most people don’t like to be bullied and some will stand up to it. And I’m not talking about physical push back.
You’re seeing it everywhere from parents standing up to school boards, to regular people running for office, and many others turning off and tuning out the media and finding other sources for information and more importantly, the truth.
What else would anyone with a lick of common sense expect when you keep pushing people?
Don’t poke the bear.
People have had enough of being pushed around for decades and being told what bad people we all are and how our hatred is ingrained in their DNA because of their skin color.
And anyone of color who doesn’t think like the progressives want them to is labeled a sellout which is tragic because those people just want to live good lives.
And honestly what on earth is wrong with that? Progressives want everyone to be pissed off to maximum levels all the time and as stated above, that isn’t sustainable and it’s incredibly unhealthy for everyone. Being a miserable loser who looks to blame everyone and everything for their problems is a recipe for failure on every level.
The progressive agenda has and always will be a pile of swill that not one person on the entire planet should even consider as having a microcosm of truth at all.
We all stand or fall on our own and no government should ever be the answer to anyone’s ills. There are plenty of people and honest organizations out there that are more than willing and capable to help people much better than any government could.
But the point stands, far too many of us have had enough and we’re not afraid to say so any longer.
Silent No More
The term Silent Majority was used by President Richard Nixon in a speech on November 3rd, 1969 about what he called Vietnamization which was his peace plan to end the war in Vietnam:
So tonight, to you, the great silent majority of my fellow Americans, I ask for your support. I pledged in my campaign for the Presidency to end the war in a way that we could win the peace. I have initiated a plan of action which will enable me to keep that pledge. The more support I can have from the American people, the sooner that pledge can be redeemed. For the more divided we are at home, the less likely the enemy is to negotiate in Paris.
What’s interesting about that speech is this line:
Let us be united for peace. Let us also be united against defeat. Because let us understand: North Vietnam cannot defeat or humiliate the United States. Only Americans can do that.
Nixon was referring to anti-war protestors there and thus the term “silent majority” was used to demonstrate that the protests people were seeing on the news each night didn’t represent the sentiment of what he termed to be the lion’s share of Americans.
To be honest, having been just young enough not to be drafted (I graduated from high school in 1974) I believe the majority of Americans supported our military but not the war. From what I remember most people’s sentiments were “What the hell are we doing over there?”
Remember, that war was to “stop communism” in Vietnam. A lot of my classmates and their parents pretty much felt the same way about the war; that if any of us got drafted, we’d do our duty because that was the sentiment back then. If we were called, we’d answer.
That said, many of us had questions as mentioned. Vietnam wasn’t the same as WWII that our parents fought and lived through and especially after the Korean War (which was another one to stop communism) the sentiment just wasn’t the same.
But many of us believed that America was always on the right side of things and our government would never sacrifice its youth for anything other than good.
Well we all know how that turned out…
Back to Nixon’s point, yes, there absolutely was a Silent Majority as most hard working, patriotic Americans didn’t believe in taking to the streets and loudly shouting about what they believed (although many cars had America - Love It or Leave It bumper stickers back then)
Regardless of what anyone thinks about Richard Nixon, his point was well taken, the term Silent Majority resonated and stuck.
The backbone of the country typically wasn’t vocal about things back then and for the most part still haven’t been even today. People back then, just like most today, wanted to go about their lives and do what they had to do.
But we all know how that works, sometimes the powers that be just won’t allow that to happen and that’s exactly where we are today.
We’ve been sold so many lies about what we believe and stand for and our traditions and family values are no longer valid in progressives eyes.
This is hogwash. Without having any values and foundations when you’re being raised as a child, it’s almost a given that you will fail as an adult. Progressives honk about “it takes a village” and all the other fantasy crap that you don’t need parents to have a chance in life is a formula for failure. Yes, kids lose parents tragically but that’s not what this agenda is about. It’s about destroying families and the deconstruction of society as we know it.
The progressive agenda not about “a better world”. It’s the complete opposite and way too many of us are now onto the game and are fighting back without any fear because we know what’s right.
The Silent Majority will no longer be shouted down. You’re gonna hear from us and if you’re one who is peddling the insane divisive lies that have been used to destroy the fabric of our country and the world, you’re not gonna like what you’re gonna hear at all.
Too bad.
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I have been feeling it for a little while. Glad I’m not alone. 🙏❤️🇺🇸