The Era of Professional Politicians Needs to End
It's time we get back to electing people with real world experience
We have a Ruling Class in America
Think about it, we have a ruling class in America that for the most part are specifically raised and bred to be professional politicians.
They go to colleges and universities and study political science and law with the specific goal in mind of having a career in politics and nothing else.
This is wrong on so many levels as at the very least, it creates what we have now, a class of “our betters” who know what’s best for us, the country, and the world.
All this would be very noble if it were true.
But it isn’t.
Not by a long shot.
Virtually every city, town, state, all the way up to the federal level are infested (yes infested) with people who have never actually had any kind of a job in the public sector.
And these are the people who manage our lives. This is especially scary when you really look into how much power and influence we’ve allowed our governments to have.
Yes, we allowed it to happen and they took it willingly.
Stick with me here because this is gonna get ugly…
From regulating the type of signage and parking businesses can or cannot use, all the way up to health, safety, how much they must pay employees, along with a litany of laws that often are completely unconstitutional, our local, state, and federal governments impose all kinds or restrictions, statutes, and limitations that affect us all every day of our lives.
Yet, we as a collective society keep electing a majority of these same people (yes they’re people, they’re citizens just like us) and they keep doing the same things to us over and over and over.
Local Businesses Suffer
Try opening a business and see what kind of hoops you’ll need to keep jumping through to stay afloat. Then factor in an imposed minimum wage, tons of local and state regulations and red tape, insurance regulations, permits, and all the other burdens placed on businesses that are designed to not only fee and tax businesses to death, but micro manage every aspect of their existence.
When you look at who’s behind this at any level, typically it’s some college educated political science major or lawyer who’s never owned a business or even worked for a privately owned local business.
So how can they understand and be sympathetic to business owners?
They simply don’t care because they’re policy driven and their paychecks keep on coming but when you own a business that’s not always a guarantee.
My How Things Have Changed
And certainly not for the better…
Back when I grew up in the 1960’s, there wasn’t anything but local businesses. From the small family owned grocery store, convenience stores, barbers, hair dressers, hardware stores, department and clothing stores, banks, doughnut shops, coffee shops, diners, pizza shops and sandwich shops, gas stations and repair shops and on and on, were all locally owned.
My grandfather was an immigrant from Italy who opened a barbershop and cut hair for a living and he and my grandmother (also from Italy) owned a triple decker home and raised 5 daughters.
See if anyone can do that nowadays…
There wasn’t even a McDonalds in my neighborhood in Dorchester MA when I was a kid. In fact, I think maybe the only national brands were probably the gas stations. But they were locally owned. They just bought that brand of gas to sell and all of them repaired cars.
You can’t go down any street in America without seeing a slew of chain restaurants, drug and convenience stores, motel and hotel chains, and big box grocery and hardware stores. And the list goes on and on.
Most of the old small towns with downtowns that have two story buildings that were home to most of the local businesses dried up years ago.
This was by design.
They want to take away local ownership and entrepreneurship so that there isn’t any real independence any more.
They want you dependent.
Dependent on big box multi-franchise chains for everything and these are businesses that aren’t really owned by locals.
Dependent on companies that hire and fire local people and when things get a little rough, some people in a corporate office somewhere far away can make a decision that can move that big box store out of that town for greener pastures devastating that local economy in a flash.
These large globally controlled corporations don’t care about what effect that’ll have on a local economy. It’s all about feeding their monster and if your town dries up because they’ve moved on, too bad. That’s life.
The Great Deception
How many cities and towns across America were gutted by an industry or large employer either getting moved out of town, out of state, and yes out of the country? All while leaving behind a population dependent on the jobs these industries created scrambling to scratch out even the basest of livings once employment dried up.
This was rampant in the 1960’s and 70’s when industries like steel and manufacturing started moving factories and plants out of rural areas and leaving people desperate for jobs.
And this has a cascading effect where all those now unemployed people can’t afford go to many of the local restaurants and shops they used to support putting stress on those businesses as well.
Read this excerpt from an article that appeared in The Philadelphia Trumpet written by Robert Morley in February 2006 called The Death of American Manufacturing Globalization and outsourcing are hammering our icons of industry.
For over a half century, American manufacturing has dominated the globe. It turned the tide in World War II and hastened the defeat of Nazi Germany; it subsequently helped rebuild Europe and Japan; it enabled the United States to outlast the Soviet empire in the Cold War. At the same time, it met all the material needs of the American people.
During this period, many American icons were born. Companies like General Motors, Ford, Boeing, Maytag and Levi Strauss became household names. American manufacturing became synonymous with quality and ingenuity.On the back of this industrial output rose America’s middle class. High-paying manufacturing jobs, in turn, helped spur a robust and growing economy that depended little on foreign nations for manufactured goods and armaments.
However, manufacturing as a share of the economy has been plummeting. In 1965, manufacturing accounted for 53 percent of the economy. By 1988 it only accounted for 39 percent, and in 2004, it accounted for just 9 percent.
And we were sold “It’s cheaper to manufacture overseas, it’ll keep the cost of goods down!”
How’s that working out for everyone now?
The simple truth is this:
The globalists are trying to break America’s spine and have been for decades.
And they’re doing this through global corporations buying out and controlling virtually every business in existence and stacking our government with controlled puppets on every single level.
Even if the selectmen, aldermen, city counselors, state senators and representatives aren’t actually part of the globalist movement (and there certainly are many that are), a majority of them have been indoctrinated in the movement whether they realize it or not especially if they come from a leftist point of view or were brainwashed in the many colleges and universities that also have a globalist agenda.
The bottom line with local businesses is that they’re being slowly squeezed out of existence by red tape and never ending suffocating rules and regulations and this has to stop.
The Great Infiltration
Never mind the fact that the ever despicable George Soros et al have been funding candidates who have nothing but one specific agenda all over the country:
To destroy what’s left of the American middle class.
These lenient prosecutors and attorney generals that we’re now seeing in charge in many blue states and cities are tasked with deconstructing what’s left of American society.
And now look at who they’re trying to foist on society as a Supreme Court nominee!
Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson is a disaster. Either she’s willfully being obtuse, or she’s woefully unqualified to be even a local judge with the way she’s handling herself during the Senate hearings.
On a national scale the globalists have already systematically dismantled education and health care. Our hospitals are now nothing but big box stores just like WalMart.
And in the blue states we’re seeing law enforcement gutted by local and state government regurgitating the global agenda to reduce carbon footprints and all the other nonsense they’ve been selling us for decades so we’re constantly in a state of fear.
Across the country our infrastructure is a disaster where our many roads and bridges are left in terrible shape leaving people like me wondering where does all this money we pay in taxes go? (Maybe to the Ukraine International Money Laundering Service®?)
Yet each and every one of legislative bodies ask for the same thing to “fix” all those problems:
More Money.
It’s Always Been a Massive Con
The game is like three card monte, the mark (which is us) have to try and keep up with all the manipulation and sleight of hand to try and see where the ace is.
What they’ve been doing actually is creating all the problems and then “fixing” them.
For decades.
Take education for example. Since when do schools cost tens of millions of dollars to build? It’s pretty much a given that for any decent size school in any town you’re looking at 40-100 million depending on how large the building and amenities will be.
And after the inevitable cost overruns and construction delays, they come with hat in hand telling you that they don’t have enough money for educational materials etc.
It’s a shell game.
Create the problem then ask for money to fix it.
This is like a contractor building a deck with untreated lumber and then coming back 5 years later telling you how much it’ll cost to replace all the rotted wood with good old pressure treated lumber.
Well you might ask, “What contractor would do that?”
Answer: One that gets hired over and over again by the same people and knows that they won’t ask any questions about what type of lumber they use…
But Nothing Will Ever Change - You Can’t Stop Corruption
Well, with that attitude it sure as hell won’t.
Don’t take the Black Pill.
There is no such thing as a clean and perfect government anywhere and there never has been.
So cynics would say “Well, you just made my point!”
Not exactly.
When we allow bad government (see above) and go back to or stay asleep, that’s when the fox gets in the henhouse. This is a never ending battle that we all must at the very least pay attention to and do a little research into who runs for public office and support America First candidates.
America First, not party people. Parties are nothing but money grifts but that’s another topic we’ll address in a future article.
For now, parties are a necessary evil. And we all know that by and large one is way worse than the other.
And the time is coming where we’re gonna weed out the bad ones in the other party.
We can’t keep reelecting or putting new people in office who make the same promises that we outlined above, the ones who’ll do nothing but keep creating problems and give nothing but never ending promises to fix what they intentionally screw up.
There can never be a Silent Majority any longer (a term which Pres. Nixon ironically used to try to keep us at war in Viet Nam) in this country ever again. For us to move forward and prosper, we have to make sure that we’re either a part of who runs things or make damn sure the ones we elect to office are ones that sincerely care about our society and let them know we’re watching them.
And that begins and ends with every one of us.
Make your vote and your actions count.
We all matter.
You can follow me as @LostInABlueState on TruthSocial and Locals and also as @LostInABluState on Gettr
Thanks for the memories….sad but true! I let it happen, you let it happen and we all did🤨 Time to wise up, keep our eyes open and take control! Rebuild our great country! Thank you MAGA
Reading this made me angry all over again so I talked myself off the ledge and agree with your premise. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Noncompliance is the way.