Apologies for the lack of new articles, lots of personal things going on lately, but all’s well!
Let’s get back to work here…
On the heels of the Bill Gates article I recently posted Who Gave Bill Gates Authority? I had to follow up with more.
Let’s get right to it because there’s a lot to unpack here…
The big question is why are people like Gates doing what they’re doing?
The answer?
Because they’re power hungry, megalomaniacal, real life James Bond villains. They’re what’s commonly known as robber barons.
Let’s start with the history of what and who robber barons are and when the term was first coined.
Meet The 24 Robber Barons Who Once Ruled America
The robber barons from “back in the day” are the same guys today. They never left us as they simply handed down their methods and lust for power to their heirs no matter if they were relations or not.
Some of those warm wonderful fellas were John Jacob Astor, John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, Andrew W. Mellon (hey wait, could those last two be the same as Carnegie-Mellon????)

All these famous names were basically scumbags who would step on their own mothers to make another nickel.
Why these wonderful industrialists were fully responsible for sweat shops, low wages, dangerous working conditions, and you can make the case that they were also the reason unions were formed. But that’s another story…
Back to our rich fiends, er I mean friends the robber barons and how that moniker got hung on these wonderful philanthropic gentlemen.
Britannica defines robber barons as:
Robber Baron, pejorative term for one of the powerful 19th-century American industrialists and financiers who made fortunes by monopolizing huge industries through the formation of trusts, engaging in unethical business practices, exploiting workers, and paying little heed to their customers or competition.
Let’s also include the definition of Machiavellian here for some context;
Let’s stick with Brittannica for their definition:
The Prince, political treatise by Niccolò Machiavelli, written in 1513.
A short treatise on how to acquire power, create a state, and keep it, The Prince represents Machiavelli’s effort to provide a guide for political action based on the lessons of history and his own experience as a foreign secretary in Florence. His belief that politics has its own rules so shocked his readers that the adjectival form of his surname, Machiavellian, came to be used as a synonym for political maneuvers marked by cunning, duplicity, or bad faith.
Machiavelli referred to his treatise as De Principatibus (“Of Principalities”) while writing it, and it circulated in manuscript form during the 1510s. When it was first published in 1532, five years after Machiavelli had died, it carried the title Il Principe (“The Prince”).
Comment: This fits the bill with Gates (pun intended) as Microsoft was and continues to be a MASSIVE monopoly in the microcomputer industry. Although Apple has given them competition and an alternative over the years, and now Chromebooks are widely used and reportedly have overtaken Apple, we basically have had (what used to be) the consumer choice for cars, Ford vs. Chevy here in the personal computer business for decades.
From the BBC:
It found Chrome OS, used by the Google-powered laptops, took second place from MacOS for the first time.
The system - widely used in cheap laptops handed out to school pupils for remote learning - now has a 10.8% market share, IDC said.
The analysis, first reported by tech news site Geekwire, found that despite losing second place, MacOS's market share grew from 6.7% to 7.5% in 2020, at the expense of Microsoft Windows.
Windows remains the most popular operating system by far, with 80.5% of the market.
Continuing on with the Britannica definition of robber barons:
Alternatively, those who credit the explosive growth of American capitalism during this period to the indefatigable pursuit of success and material wealth are likely to celebrate these entrepreneurial tycoons as “captains of industry.” Among the sectors in which they compiled their great wealth were the oil, steel, liquor, cotton, textile, and tobacco industries, railroads, and banks.
It has been argued that these capitalist pioneers were the “antecedents” of the organized crime that emerged in the United States during the Prohibition era (1920–33). The robber barons transformed the wealth of the American frontier into vast financial empires, amassing their fortunes by monopolizing essential industries. In turn, these monopolies were built upon the liberal use of tactics that are today the hallmark of organized crime: intimidation, violence, corruption, conspiracies, and fraud.
Comment: Which is very interesting because the Time Magazine article in that issue pictured above was titled this:
And the first paragraph of that article? Well, let’s just say this. Knowing what we know now 27 years later this is very telling…
Ask Bill Gates, the founder and chairman of Microsoft, about something he wants to talk about-like a new software system or his upcoming railroad trip through China on Chairman Mao's train-- and he acts like the teenage boy that he still resembles. He grins. His voice breaks. He tucks his elbows into his lap and rocks back and forth as if to contain his excitement. But press Gates on a subject he doesn't want to talk about-like the charges of anticompetitive, and possibly illegal, business practices that have been turning up lately, like ex-girlfriends at a wedding party -- and he is liable to throw a tantrum. "I challenge your facts!" he shouts when confronted with a new but relatively minor allegation. "That's a lie! I mean, it's just not true. I never heard of any such thing. What a bunch of nonsense!"
Up until recently, Gate’s public profile was for the most part pretty benign. He was mainly regarded as a nerdy guy who seemingly just ‘aw shucks golly gee’d’ his way into founding Microsoft and making billions of moolah.
Oh and what the hell was Gates doing on Mao’s train in Chyna??
Guess that was a carefully crafted public face eh?
Well we’ve seen that façade take a hard tumble in recent years as the mask has come off who Bill Gates really and truly is and has been all along.
Bill Gates’s dad Bill Gates Sr. seemed like the prototype bully in this description from an NBC News article when Gates Sr. passed away in 2020:
Gates Sr. was a towering figure by reputation and in person — he stood 6-foot-7 tall — and his counsel was often sought. Former Starbucks Chairman Howard Schultz has said that when he was struggling to raise the money to buy the six-store coffee chain in 1987, Gates Sr. stepped in to rescue him from a rival buyer — not only by investing, but by personally taking Schultz to visit the rival, demanding as he loomed over the rival's desk: “You are going to stand down and this kid is going to realize his dream. Do you understand me?”

Given that his dad was a big fella who wasn’t shy about using his size to intimidate, I guess it’s safe to say that Bill Jr., even though he isn’t as large as his dad (as he seems to be about 5’ 9” or 5’ 10”), was probably very well schooled by big daddio in how to get what he wants.
The Rockefeller-Gates Nexus
I can’t overstate the importance of this excerpt from Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health:
The Rockefeller-Gates Nexus
A century earlier, America’s first billionaire, John D. Rockefeller, had blazed his own wildly successful exit ramp from public loathing, bad press, and antitrust prosecution by launching a medical philanthropy. John D. Rockefeller’s consigliere, Frederick Taylor Gates, served as John D.’ s chief business confidant and philanthropic adviser. Frederick Gates helped Rockefeller structure his foundation, advising the mogul that “judicious disposal of his fortune might also blunt further inquiry into its origins.”
Practically from his nativity, Bill Gates began coordinating his own foundations’ giving with the Rockefeller organization. In 2018, Bill Gates made the salient observation that “Everywhere our foundation went, we discovered the Rockefeller Foundation had been there first.”
At the twentieth century’s dawn, Rockefeller’s sanguinary maneuvering—including bribery, price-fixing, corporate espionage, and creating shell companies to conduct illegal activities—had won his Standard Oil Company control of 90 percent of US oil production and made him the richest man in world history with a net worth of over half a trillion in today’s dollars. Senator Robert Lafayette excoriated Rockefeller as “the greatest criminal of the age.” The oil magnate’s father, William “Devil Bill” Rockefeller, was a marauding con artist who supported his family by posing as a doctor and hawking snake oil, opium elixirs, patent medicines, and other miracle cures. In the early 1900s, as scientists discovered pharmaceutical uses for refinery by-products, John D. saw an opportunity to capitalize on the family’s medical pedigree. At that time, nearly half the physicians and medical colleges in the United States practiced holistic or herbal medicine. Rockefeller and his friend Andrew Carnegie, the Big Steel robber baron, dispatched educator Abraham Flexner on a cross-country tour to catalog the status of America’s 155 medical colleges and hospitals.
The Rockefeller Foundation’s 1910 Flexner Report recommended centralizing America’s medical schooling, abolishing miasma theory, and reorienting these institutions according to “germ theory”—which held that germs alone caused disease—and the pharmaceutical paradigm that emphasized targeting particular germs with specific drugs rather than fortifying the immune system through healthy living, clean water, and good nutrition. With that narrative in hand, Rockefeller financed the campaign to consolidate mainstream medicine, co-opt the burgeoning pharmaceutical industry, and shutter its competition. Rockefeller’s crusade caused the closure of more than half of American medical schools; fostered public and press scorn for homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, holistic, functional, integrative, and natural medicines; and led to the incarceration of many practicing physicians.
— The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Link to this must read book below:
So Bill Gates’ involvement with what seems to be a sudden interest in everyone’s health isn’t and isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.
He’s just another in a long line or robber barons who’s main and only focus is on enriching themselves.
To tie this in here’s a magnificent article by Will Zoll about another modern day robber baron George Soros in his Prussia Gate series:
The ReichsWEF Part IV
The old time robber barons haven’t gone away at all.
They have always been in control and been behind monarchs, kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, and other government officials.
It’s time we recognize that is who we’ve been up against for centuries and to fight back against them.
This is the exact reason the United States of America was founded.
And this is the exact reason we need to return the Unites States of America to that premise and get the usurpers out of power.
That said, I do have to say that Elon Musk looks to be the real deal and the complete antithesis of the rest of these insane maniacs.
More to come as this unfolds.
Keep putting up a fight in any way you can.
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