Anyone who knows who George Carlin was knows that he was incredibly insightful, brutally honest, and didn’t sugar coat reality.
I watched his famous “It’s a big club. And you ain’t in it.” rant and there’s so many things he also said during that piece that are startlingly prescient.
No surprise there with George Carlin. He saw things as they were and made no bones about it at all and he was absolutely brilliant in delivering the truth no matter how much it hurt everyone to listen to.
He simply didn’t care because he was a zero BS type of guy.
Here’s the video if you haven’t seen it or need a refresher.
Warning: Very graphic imagery and language.
Let’s break this down a bit so we can look at what he was saying and filter it through today’s lens.
First, this clip is from an HBO special Carlin recorded in 2005 at the Beacon Theater in New York City called Life Is Worth Losing.
The segment we’re focusing on here was called Dumb Americans.
First Carlin goes off on what America has become:
Only a nation of unenlightened halfwits coulda taken this beautiful place and then turned it into what it is today: a shopping mall.
They think it’s as cool as can be because Americans love the mall. They love the mall. That’s where they get to satisfy their two most prominent addictions at the same time: shoppin’ and eatin’.
This is one line that really resonates with me as he continues:
Millions of semi-conscious Americans day after day shuffling through the malls shopping and eating. Especially eating. Americans love to eat.
They are fatally attracted to the slow death of fast food.
Wow. Talk about hammering the nail on the head. We as a nation are absolutely semi-conscious and that is by design.
Later on after Carlin rants about fat Americans and calls them:
Huge piles of redundant protoplasm.
And then he goes on to pound on the education system:
That’s the big answer to everything. Education. They say “We need more money for education. We need more books, more teachers, more classrooms, more schools. We need more TESTING for the kids!”
You say to them “Well you know we tried all that and the kids still can’t pass the tests.”
“Don’t you worry about that, we’re gonna lower the passing grades.”
Then everyone wonders why 17 other countries graduate more scientists than we do.
Then Carlin brilliantly weaves in politicians:
Politicians know that word, they use it on you.
Politicians have traditionally hidden behind three things:
The flag. The Bible. And children.
No child left behind. No child left behind.
Where have we heard that before?
If you have the stomach, go here:
No Child Left Behind
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
Carlin continues:
But there’s a reason education sucks and it’s the same reason that it will never, ever, ever be fixed. It’s never gonna get any better, don’t look for it.
Be happy with what you got.
I do have hope that he’s wrong here because remember, this was 2005, things are a lot different in 2022 (more about that at the end of this piece)
And here’s the kill shot:
Because the owners of this country don’t want that. I’m talkin’ about the real owners now. The real owners. The big wealthy businesses just that control things that make all the important decisions.
Forget the politicians.
Politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice.
You don’t.
You have no choice.
You have owners.
They own you.
They own everything.
They own all the important land.
They own and control the corporations.
They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate, the Congress, the state houses, the city halls, they got the guns in their back pocket.
And they own all the big media companies so they control just about all of the news and information you get to hear.
They got you by the balls.
They spend billions of dollars every year lobbying, lobbying to get what they want.
Well, we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else.
But I’ll tell you what they don’t want:
They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking.
They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking.
They’re not interested in that.
That’s doesn’t help them.
That’s against their interests.
That’s right.
They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re gettin’ f***ed by a system that threw them overboard 30 f***ing years ago.
They don’t want that.
You know what they want?
They want obedient workers.
Obedient workers.
People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly s****ier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it.
And now they’re coming for your Social Security money.
They want your f***ing retirement money.
They want it back.
So they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street.
And you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it.
They’ll get it all from you sooner or later cause they own this f***ing place.
It’s a big club. And you ain’t in it.
You and I are not in the big club.
And he continues with a graphic description of how the owners don’t, er care about us at all.
And he finishes with this:
Because the owners of this country know the truth:
It’s called the American Dream.
Because you have to be asleep to believe it.
I wrote out all that text there because it is important to read it as well as listen to how George Carlin delivered that monologue. He wasn’t joking. He as as serious as he could have been about anything he ever had an opinion about that he delivered publicly.
That said, from where we are today, many, many Americans as well as people from other countries are now wide awake and aware of “the owners” and it’s safe to say we also know who most of “the owners” are:

And let’s not forget this creep is one of them too:
So “the owners” who pull the strings and dictate what all these bought and paid for politicians that George Carlin was talking about are now very publicly well known and now also very well known exactly for who they are and what they’ve been doing.
These are the ones who we know are in control of the Deep State and the globalist initiatives that many of us are working against in any way we can.
The cat is out of the bag with these guys and they can no longer hide behind their political and media lackeys who are also now openly exposed to a large number of the global population.
Let’s put it this way, many of us aren’t going to be taken from any further without a fight.
Many of us are no longer semi-conscious Americans as he correctly labeled us.
No more.
George Carlin would be proud.
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